About Us

A Bit of History

The First Congregational Church was founded in 1827 in what was then Adams in a wooden structure not far from McCann Technical High School.  The present-day building on Main Street was constructed in 1865 in the historic Monument Square area of the city.  The brick Romanesque structure with its narrow elongated windows and steeple is considered not only part of North Adams’ past but also is important in the community today.

 How are we governed?

  • We have a very democratic form of “government.”
  • An annual meeting is held to elect our leadership and approve finances.
  • Our minister is chosen by a vote of the congregation.
  • Annually elected officers form a governance committee called the Council of Ministries
  • The Council meets monthly to discuss and act upon church issues
  • Council meetings are open to members, and minutes of all meetings are available.
  • To unite with the greater regional and world community, we also voluntarily belong to the United Church of Christ.

The Council of Ministries

The governing body of the First Congregational Church UCC, North Adams is the Council of Ministries.  Here are the members:

The Pastor, who leads us in providing our church community with spiritual guidance  as together we seek to fulfill our mission of witness and ministry to the good news of Christ.

The Officers of the Council of Ministries:

  • Moderator, who presides over Council meetings and annual meeting.
  • Treasurer, who is responsible for the financial records of the church.
  • Assistant Treasurer, who assists the treasurer.
  • Clerk, who keeps all the official papers of the Church and is responsible Council minutes.
  • Delegates, who act as liaisons to the greater church [Berkshire Association and UCC].
  • Auditors, who make annual audits of the church’s finances

The Committees of the Council of Ministries:

  • The Ministry of Worship and Spiritual Wellness. Worship is the center of our life as a congregation. As a result, this committee supports the spirit and health of the congregation. It also communicates with and oversees music personnel; prepares and serves Communion, and partners with the pastor to make sure all in the congregation are cared for.
  • The Ministry of Facility Care. This committee cares for our historic building and its upkeep and maintenance, communicating with and overseeing our Sexton.
  • The Ministry of Stewardship and Mission. We care about our congregation, our community, and our world. As a result this committee concentrates on gift giving: of treasure to maintain our building and support missions near and far; of time -because the gift of volunteerism is alive and well here, and of talents because so many people in our church have skills, and abilities, and proficiencies to offer.
  • The Ministry of Education and Discipleship. We want to promote the spiritual growth and development of all our congregation, young and young at heart. This ministry’s center of attention is our church school, and youth and adult faith formation.
  • At-Large Positions of the Council of Ministries:
    • Women’s Fellowship
    • Special Projects
    • Delegates to the United Church of Christ